Tag Archives: COVID-19

As seasonal businesses open, PHTCC eyes new pool construction

With Premier Doug Ford announcing seasonal businesses will now be allowed to operate in Ontario, the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) sees this as a “green light” to resume the construction of new pools.

With emergency orders in Ontario previously extended until May 19, PHTCC continued to communicate with government officials for clarity on the ‘essential businesses’ list regarding the pool and spa industry.

Prior to this announcement, a letter from PHTCC … Continue reading As seasonal businesses open, PHTCC eyes new pool construction

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Wage subsidies, federal loan programs unpacked in upcoming roundtable

On May 21, join Pool & Spa Marketing’s legal and financial gurus from Wilson Vukelich LLP and Bank of Montreal (BMO) for the first segment of a three-part Q&A roundtable discussion series. Our experts will help navigate the various federal relief programs available to assist business owners amid the pandemic, as well as answer questions related to employment and financing during these unprecedented times.

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