Tag Archives: Delta Ultraviolet Solutions

Another way to sanitize pool water without using more chemicals

Today, industry professionals face a number of questions from clients on how they can use fewer chemicals (i.e. chlorine [Cl] and/or bromine [Br]) in their pool, what alternatives are available to reduce chemical odours in and around the water, and what options do they have in cases where children may have sensitive skin and develop rashes or hives in pools using traditional sanitizing methods?

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Using ultraviolet (UV) technology to improve water and air quality

Various halogens and sanitizers are used to treat waterborne pathogens in pool and hot tub water; however, as frequent reports on recreational water illnesses (RWIs) (i.e. Cryptosporidium [Crypto] and Giardia) and bacteria outbreaks abound in the press, many commercial pool operators and some residential pool owners are now incorporating a supplemental disinfection system (SDS) to assist in water sanitation.

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