Tag Archives: design

Roger Willis Contracting (2017)

With a backyard located along the shores of the Ottawa/Gatineau River east of Ottawa, this homeowner was looking to update their vinyl-lined pool to take advantage of their property’s incredible vista, which overlooks the river and adjacent protected wetlands.

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Swim ponds – The au naturel backyard

When most homeowners think of adding a backyard pool, they picture pristine, blue water and expertly installed tile in a myriad of stunning colours. Few people jump to pond waters replete with frogs and wildflowers, but a growing trend in the pool and spa industry looks to change this.

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Oasis Pools Ltd. (2017)

This is not a typical recreation room; this entertainment space includes a 4.5- x 9-m (15- x 30-ft) rectangular pool with a built-in 1.8- x 2.4-m (6- x 8-ft) rectangular spa designed and constructed by Oasis Pools Ltd., of Burlington, Ont.

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A look at the latest commercial pool accessories, equipment, and design features

Technology continues to advance in the commercial and residential pool markets, as there are always new products, technologies, and design methods being introduced. This article will look at what is trending for 2017. Some of the design options and products that are discussed are not necessarily new to the industry, but thanks to new technologies and innovations, they continue to make an impression on clients who realize they need to have them in their aquatic facilities.

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Building a tranquil pond

When designing and building natural ponds, contractors often hear their clients say, “I want it to be spectacular.” That said, while every contractor prides themselves in his/her ability to create something unique on every job that will exceed their client’s expectations, sometimes the scope of the project does not allow for much creativity. Therefore, when a project does materialize that gives a natural pond design/build firm the opportunity to let their creativity shine, the crew’s excitement and energy levels get much higher. This was the case for this particular project in Guelph, Ont.

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