Tag Archives: energy efficiency

Save energy and extend equipment life with variable-frequency drives

Over the past few years, pool professionals have learned that going ‘green’ can significantly lower a pool’s operating costs. Pumps and filters are among the items most scrutinized due to the vast amount of energy they consume. To reduce costs associated with water circulation and filtration it is important to understand why pumps and filters consume large amounts of energy and what options are available to lower consumption—factors that also extend a pump’s motor life.

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How to improve energy efficiency in a pool system

The ability to achieve proper water quality in a pool is a function of correct water chemistry values combined with an appropriately sized filtration system. If either one of these variables are lacking, the end result will be an increased difficulty in maintaining water clarity. Water chemistry, being a more interactive subject matter, is the first…

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A look at the evolution of pool heater technology

Energy efficiency; consumers demand it and product development teams strive for it. These days, it is also the focus of advertising and packaging designs for nearly all home and industrial equipment. From light bulbs to dishwashers to automobiles, the amount of energy consumed is a major factor in the research and development (R&D) of new products, not to mention their ultimate purchase by the end-user.

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Variable-speed pumps are not just a trend, they are a need

As far as clichés go, ‘going green’ is a good one. But within consumer markets, the environmentally friendly frenzy is often overstated. Many so-called green products are often overpriced and/or ineffective. It is no wonder why many consumers have become jaded by the green movement. Escalating energy costs and social awareness are still forcing everyone to be more responsible, however.

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Reducing operating expenses with new lighting technologies

Commercial aquatic facilities are continuously performing internal ‘audits’ on operational costs to find ways to save money for additional aquatic programming. In doing so, many are discovering one of the fastest, easiest ways to reduce energy consumption is to replace old incandescent pool lighting with today’s improved light-emitting diode (LED) lighting.

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YMCA facility upgrades its operational efficiencies

Commercial aquatic facilities are continuously reviewing their operating costs and evaluating the benefits of replacing a heater, pump, or filtration system to improve the operational efficiency of the pump room. Smart pool professionals are now taking the time to look at the pump room as a whole whereby integrating all equipment to make all components run with greater synergy. Rather than look at individual parts of the pump room, it has become even more important, especially with today’s new technology, to look at the entire operational system to ensure all of the individual components achieve maximum performance.

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