Tag Archives: energy efficiency

Reducing operating expenses with energy-smart equipment

Facility managers have learned over the past few years that going ‘green’ can significantly lower an aquatic facility’s operating costs. Pumps and filters are among the items most scrutinized due to the vast amount of energy they consume. To reduce costs associated with water circulation and filtration it is important to…

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Energy-saving strategies for indoor pools

By Christopher Chivetta

Energy-saving initiatives are at the centre of many of the decisions indoor pool owners and operators must make every day. As energy costs continue to rise, manufacturers and suppliers are marketing a wide variety of environmentally friendly products and services. With so many options available, operators can find it difficult to choose an appropriate strategy.

First and foremost, it is important for an operator to understand where his or her energy dollars … Continue reading Energy-saving strategies for indoor pools

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An energy-efficient heating and cooling method for indoor pools

By Steve Hamoen

Given the seasonal shifts in the Canadian climate, indoor pools are a luxurious, value-added item for a homeowner, offering fitness and recreational enjoyment 365 days a year. For the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) industry, indoor pool environments pose a unique challenge in terms of humidity control and its associated costs. While commercially packaged humidity units have their strengths, there are tremendous gains to be made in leveraging hydronic and geothermal … Continue reading An energy-efficient heating and cooling method for indoor pools

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