Filbur Manufacturing, a manufacturer of pool and spa filter cartridges, has moved its office and warehouse facilities to LaPalma and Fontana, Calif., to increase company productivity as well as to support its future growth.
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Filbur Manufacturing has released its latest product catalogue and cross-reference guide, which includes updated product listings and resources in a more user-friendly format.
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Filbur Manufacturing will provide financial and volunteer support for the 2013 Aspen Medical Products San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC), marking the third consecutive year the filter maker has participated in this event.
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Filbur Manufacturing, a maker of pool and spa filter products in Buena Park, Calif., has upgraded its product packaging to reflect an updated look, while also place greater emphasis on its use of Reemay filtration fabric.
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Filbur Manufacturing, a maker of pool/spa filters in Buena Park, Calif., was a silver sponsor of the 19th Annual Aspen Medical Products San Diego Triathlon Challenge (SDTC), which raised $1.4 million to help physically challenged individuals get involved in sports.
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Filbur Manufacturing, a pool and spa filter manufacturer in Buena Park, Calif., has released its latest product catalogue and cross-reference, which includes updated product listings and resources in a more user-friendly format.
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Filbur Manufacturing, a pool and spa filter manufacturer in Buena Park, Calif., has redesigned its website (, in an effort to make it easier to navigate.
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