Tag Archives: GAME

GAME: Solar Underwater Light Show

The Best Selling Underwater Light Show in the world is now SOLAR POWERED! The next generation Underwater Light Show™ designed with NEW SOLAR Technology. Creates a cost-FREE, no-hassle operation for hours of enjoyment. The new technology…

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A new look at an old technology—sand filtration for above-ground pools

Above-ground swimming pools—whether steel-wall, soft-sided, or any other type—all contain water, which needs to be filtered. While most facts about above-ground pool filters have remained constant over the years with respect to the pros and cons of the three basic types (sand, cartridge, or diatomaceous earth [DE]), there are some changes in the market that savvy dealers can use to their advantage.

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Mobile technology revolutionizes pool/spa operation

The number of things people can do with a smartphone is rapidly increasing and there are no signs of it slowing down. Today, more consumers are using their mobile phones not only to stay in touch with friends and family, but to also pay bills, make travel/entertainment plans, check weather forecasts and even play games. In fact, sales of these mobile devices (e.g. iPhone,® iPad,® BlackBerry, ® and Google Android™) are measured in millions per month.

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