Although the COVID-19 pandemic has brought uncertainty to the industry, Highbury Pools has been keeping busy via social media.
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Darren and Craig Draper of Aqua Blue (Niagara) Ltd., a family-owned and operated pool and spa/hot tub company in Welland, Ont., were the winners of an Arctic Cat Alterra 400 ATV in a draw held by Highbury Pools’ during the recent Canadian Pool & Spa Conference & Expo.
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Brian Jewell and Dan Hendriksen, owners of Highbury Pools Ltd., in London, Ont., not only grew up together, but were also groomed for the pool industry at a young age. Best friends since the age of five, both men, now in their 40s, were always at the shop restoring their first cars…
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Pool measuring has been a large part of a service professional’s job for many years. The skill to measure accurately takes training, patience, and time as they are necessary for the successful installation of high-priced custom fabricated vinyl liners and safety covers. Correct measurements not only ensure products fit properly, but also help projects operate more efficiently.
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