Tag Archives: hydraulics

Understanding the concepts of moving water

Demand for residential swimming pools with moving water (e.g. lazy rivers and current-powered exercise/therapy pools) is coming on strong. Topping the list of market trends driving this demand is the growing number of people in the ‘Baby Boomer’ demographic who are becoming more concerned with overall fitness. That said, many are turning to…

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Maximizing pump efficiency with variable orifice pool returns

Since the introduction of variable flow technology and the understanding of affinity laws, many consumers, as well as energy policies, have started to focus on introducing energy-efficient systems to the swimming pool environment. With both variable- and two-speed pumps taking the lead role in this new ‘eco-revolution,’ both pool professionals and pool owners are asking, “Why is the industry heading in this direction?”

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Pool and spa hydraulics

The pool and spa industry has been mired in entrapment codes, misinformation, media hype and politics for years. Everyone understands suction entrapments can be lethal, even horrific, but the industry needs to…

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