Tag Archives: indoor air quality

Dehumidification technology

Sesame Street’s Kermit the Frog may have had a point when he sang, ‘It’s not easy being green.’ In the past, this may have also been true for indoor pools, as designers, developers and managers wrestled with how to cost-effectively operate and maintain comfortable indoor conditions for patrons in…

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Indoor air and water quality

The facts concerning aquatic facility air and water quality are well researched and have been scientifically documented worldwide. Research shows air quality is completely dependent on pool/spa water quality and bather cleanliness, as air…

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Creating comfortable environments in natatoriums

Thanks to recent technological advancements, indoor waterparks can now have perfect indoor air quality (IAQ) and green environments. However, anyone who is involved in the commercial aquatics industry knows these facilities are capable of the exact opposite—uncomfortable indoor air environments that are…

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