Tag Archives: indoor pool

Updating natatoriums for maximum occupant comfort

The knowledge of what natatoriums require for a successful design has been upgraded dramatically in the last quarter century. Recent technological advancements and state-of-the-art engineering standards have not only made these improvements possible, but have also made significant improvements in indoor pools for spectators and swimmers.

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Oasis Pools Ltd. (2017)

This is not a typical recreation room; this entertainment space includes a 4.5- x 9-m (15- x 30-ft) rectangular pool with a built-in 1.8- x 2.4-m (6- x 8-ft) rectangular spa designed and constructed by Oasis Pools Ltd., of Burlington, Ont.

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Renovating three high-school pools in one summer

Renovating commercial aquatic facilities on a tight schedule is not uncommon for most construction crews in the pool industry; however, renovating three high school pools (managed by the same school district) over the course of one summer is a challenging feat. Adding to the difficulty of the project was the fact all of the pools were older, indoor facilities, where space is tight and access is limited.

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