Tag Archives: Latham Pool Products Inc

Installation tips and advice for automatic covers

Automatic safety covers have seen a number of innovations in recent years which have not only increased their reliability and performance, but have also opened the door to allow them to be installed on pools of all different shapes and sizes. Some of these innovations provide the flexibility needed for automatic covers to be installed during the construction of new pools, while other options allow the cover system to be installed on existing pools. This article will explore a number of different options and systems that are available, as well as explain how they are used in different applications.

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Latham adds Plastimayd brands to its product lineup

Latham Pool Products, a large North American manufacturer of swimming pool components and accessories has added to its pool products portfolio with the acquisition of Plastimayd LLC, a manufacturer of swimming pool vinyl liners with facilities in Louisiana and Oregon. In addition to Plastimayd and VynAll liners, the acquisition also includes CoverLogix safety covers.

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Technology offers endless design possibilities for packaged pool kits

For much of their history, steel swimming pool kits were manufactured like cookie cutters. Manufacturers would typically offer a few different shapes—square, rectangle, oval, or octagonal—in a couple of different sizes, with a handful of choices for steps. The homeowner simply picked one from a book and that was that. Without the advantage of today’s technology, each steel panel had to be cut and bent by hand as manufacturers simply did not have the staff to complete all of the labour-intensive customization.

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The method in the madness of fibreglass pool installations

One aspect of fibreglass swimming pools, which makes them particularly attractive to consumers and builders alike, is their ability to be installed relatively quickly in comparison to other types of inground pools. Keep in mind; however, quick is a relative term as the time it takes to safely and properly install a fibreglass pool will depend on the project site, builder experience, as well as the available resources and workforce. Cutting corners can result in poor installation, and in some cases, even a damaged pool, which may need to be replaced.

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