Big Blue Swim School (Big Blue), a fast-growing U.S. franchise in the $3 billion learn-to-swim industry, has announced the launch of its new pool design, which is meant to embody the joy a child feels when reaching new heights.
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After talking to longtime swim instructor Kerri Russell for the first time in June 2017, and hearing the passion she had for the swim school she wanted to build, as well as the children she taught, it was obvious to this author the project was not going to be a typical commercial pool design. Nor should it have been.
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Last week, tens of thousands of young swimmers across the globe took part in the 2018 World’s Largest Swimming Lesson (WLSL), which teaches kids and parents lifesaving water safety skills.
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In anticipation of the warmer weather, and as the school year winds down, the Northeast Swimming Pool Association (NESPA) Foundation (The Foundation) has recently awarded grants to two educational programs, which serve to prepare families that planning summer outings that include swimming at pools, lakes, and beaches.
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