Tag Archives: lighting

GAME: Solar Underwater Light Show

The Best Selling Underwater Light Show in the world is now SOLAR POWERED! The next generation Underwater Light Show™ designed with NEW SOLAR Technology. Creates a cost-FREE, no-hassle operation for hours of enjoyment. The new technology…

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Brilliant Wonders® LED bubbler

Upgrade any backyard pool design with the only LED bubbler for gunite, vinyl and fiberglass pools. Synchronize Multiple Units Together or with LED Pool Lights Stream Shoots 10 to 30 inches High Super Bright LEDs – Nine Colors / Five Light Shows Completely Serviceable.

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Impressive water and lights feature highlights Emirates Palace Hotel

Already one of the Abu Dhabi’s most luxurious districts, the Ras Al Akhdar quarter has been further enhanced with the installation of new water features for the Triumphant Arch at the Emirates Palace Hotel. The water features were commissioned by Abu Dhabi’s Department of Transport as part of an ongoing initiative for upgrading the roadway and improving this important part of the city.

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Strategies for marketing and advertising illuminated pool/spa products

By Ted Lawrence

As the pool and spa/hot tub industry goes through what everyone hopes will be a short winter, it is important for business owners—especially those operating pool/spa retail stores—to start the New Year off right by putting together a marketing and advertising plan for the coming year. To do this properly, it is important to start with an advertising budget; once a reasonable monetary amount has been determined, plan all of the events … Continue reading Strategies for marketing and advertising illuminated pool/spa products

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Reducing operating expenses with new lighting technologies

Commercial aquatic facilities are continuously performing internal ‘audits’ on operational costs to find ways to save money for additional aquatic programming. In doing so, many are discovering one of the fastest, easiest ways to reduce energy consumption is to replace old incandescent pool lighting with today’s improved light-emitting diode (LED) lighting.

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Accessories with a purpose

Retailers always want to sell more pools, spas, and chemicals, yet one of the most important and ignored profit centres are accessory sales. Pool and spa industry members often scour tradeshow floors and talk to vendors to learn about the latest gadgets currently on the market; however, many pay little attention to offering these accessories, which could potentially make their business the most amount of money.

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