Tag Archives: maintenance

Understanding the electromechanical process of galvanic corrosion

By Steve Goodale

Steel pool walls are eroding and ladder handrails are turning black. New heaters are failing after one year and warranties are void because the casing was not bonded. What is going on here? The pool industry has some difficult-to-grasp concepts such as water chemistry; where on the surface it seems easy enough to resolve, but when traditional remedies do not fix the problem, customers are left without answers. There is no better … Continue reading Understanding the electromechanical process of galvanic corrosion

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The ugly grasp of biofilms

Biofilm is a common word heard in the pool and hot tub industry lately. In the last few years, there has been an increasing amount of information via studies and tests, which can be used to educate industry members and consumers on the subject. In previous articles, there is mention of biofilm existing in wet areas on pool toys and filters etc.; however, there are…

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Building and servicing above-ground pools

Mermaid Pools and Hot Tubs have trialed several above-ground swimming pool installation and winterization techniques since the company was established in 1965. This experience has provided the company with informed and unique perspectives on above-ground pool installation and service procedures that are still being used today. This article is not a step-by-step technical account of how the company installs its above-ground pools, but rather an opportunity to share some of the company’s best practices, observations, and lessons learned.

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A bacterium harbouring slime found on wet surfaces

The annual World Aquatic Health Conference (WAHC) brings together a variety of new science-based ideas and technologies. Those who attend the symposia always leave with new found concepts and sciences to improve their knowledge. This past conference, held in Indianapolis, Ind., in October, James Amburgey, PhD, with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte presented findings from the fifth International Conference on Swimming Pool & Spa (ICSPS), held in early 2013 at the University of Rome. His discussion peaked a lot of people’s interest with regards to a shift in microbial focus internationally—that is, away from just traditional recreational water illnesses (RWIs). While Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E-coli) (fecal-related illnesses) continue to be serious health issues and incidences are on the rise, a new spotlight is now on Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) and Legionella pneumophila (L. pneumophila).

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