As installation of automatic covers has increased rapidly, there are now significantly more of them in the marketplace requiring fabric and other parts replaced and ropes changed. Most pool professionals find it beneficial, if not essential, to work with an automatic pool cover specialist, to ensure these covers remain in good shape and safe.
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The new stainless-steel liner for the indoor swimming pool in Port Hardy, British Columbia, has finally arrived after spending weeks in transit. The district’s officials have expressed excitement over the arrival of the liner, which indicates the pool may open for use by the end of this year.
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Vandals have caused an aquatic facility in Vanderhoof, B.C. to shut down temporarily, and incurred $500,000 in damages from flooding the centre with almost 600,000 L (1,585 gal) of water.
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Pool installations are becoming more complex by the day; commercial and residential modern day mechanical equipment can make even a seasoned operator a little apprehensive.
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