Tag Archives: Mike Preuit

New pool cover designs provide safety while creating landscape unity

Safety covers were developed to keep pools safe when they are not in use, or closed for the season. In some parts of North America, pools are closed for the same length or sometimes longer than the actual swimming season (i.e. the 2013-14 winter/spring). That being said, many of today’s backyard landscapes are designed with the swimming pool serving as the focal point. During the offseason, homeowners are forced to look at their closed pool for many months and the last thing they want to see is an unsightly cover or nasty swamp that does not co-ordinate with the theme or style of the backyard. As a result, more consumers are asking about safety cover colour options and savvy retailers are picking up on this and altering their sales approach by focusing on having the safety cover complement the backyard décor—even when the pool is closed for the season.

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Tips for selling safety covers after the pool is built

It is estimated less than a quarter of all residential swimming pools in North America are equipped with a safety cover. This means there is a huge opportunity for dealers to sell safety covers to existing pool owners who do not have a cover, or use a tarp and water tubes in the winter, which does not offer any safety benefits.

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