Tag Archives: National Swimming Pool Foundation

Trained operators, safer pools

Each level of government can make legislation. Each province has a Public Health Act and accompanying regulations, which include protocols for swimming pool operation. Many jurisdictions where these regulations are in place require swimming pools to be operated by someone who is trained appropriately. In some cases, the level of training varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction; however, as each regulation is updated, more are adding sections, which require public swimming pools to be managed by a trained pool operator.

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NSPF unveils Step Into Swim initiative

The National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF) has introduced its Step Into Swim™ program, a 10-year campaign, which will see it team up with various organizations in an effort to improve public health and reduce drowning by teaching children, adults and minority populations to swim.

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Innovations in hot tub water treatment brighten the industry’s future

Throughout history, water has been considered an everlasting commodity. However, much is changing and worldwide water supplies are dwindling due to pollution from overuse and industrialization. Water is a necessity for drinking, cleansing, hydrating, agriculture, food processing, power generation and sewage transport; therefore, the further its replenishment becomes unsustainable, regulations dealing with its use will only increase. As a result, the idea of selling hot tubs as a luxury item could become more difficult. Further, it also begs the question, what will the future hold for an industry where water is the integral part of what is sold and serviced?

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NSPF releases 2011 operator handbook

The 2011 edition of the National Swimming Pool Foundation® (NSPF®) Pool & Spa Operator Handbook is now available to pool and spa professionals to keep up to date on the latest regulatory guidelines and operational procedures for aquatic facilities.

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NSPF endorses first MAHC module

The National Swimming Pool Foundation's (NSPF's) board of directors recently endorsed the first module of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) Model Aquatic Health Code (MAHC), which will serve as a guide for updating or implementing standards in the aquatics industry.

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