Tag Archives: natural swimming pool

Designing a rustic backyard escape

What does a gold rush cabin from the 1800s, mining cart, putting green, and a natural swimming pool (NSP/swim pond) all have in common? They are the focal point of an award-winning landscape design in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley. This project was not only filled with some challenging tasks, but was also highly rewarding in that a tranquil, beautiful setting was created for the client who was seeking something unique and environmentally friendly. So, what goes into a project of this undertaking, which won several design/build and environmental awards?

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Natural swimming pools (NSPs) garner interest in North America

A natural swimming pool (NSP) or pond is an engineered system comprising a contained swimming vessel and a constructed wetland. The constructed wetland may be integrated with or separated from the swimming vessel. Water purification and clarification is achieved entirely via the use of biological filters, hydroponically rooted aquatic plants, and the balanced ecosystem contained within the wetland, without the use of any chemicals or devices that disinfect or sterilize the pool water. For bather health and safety, the NSP optimizes the conditions found in nature’s water bodies.

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