Tag Archives: Pentair Aquatic Systems

Heater upgrade benefits

Today, there are cleaner burning (low NOx) heaters that have minimal emissions, which allow them to be used where NOx emission restrictions are enforced. Further, commercial pool heaters face changing conditions as many installers have not been trained in commercial application techniques.

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Mobile technology revolutionizes pool/spa operation

The number of things people can do with a smartphone is rapidly increasing and there are no signs of it slowing down. Today, more consumers are using their mobile phones not only to stay in touch with friends and family, but to also pay bills, make travel/entertainment plans, check weather forecasts and even play games. In fact, sales of these mobile devices (e.g. iPhone,® iPad,® BlackBerry, ® and Google Android™) are measured in millions per month.

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Pentair acquires $20 million South American company

Pentair Water Pool and Spa, a manufacturer/supplier of equipment and accessories for residential and commercial swimming pools in Sanford, N.C., recently acquired Sibrape Indústria E Comércio de Artigos Para Lazer Ltda., and its subsidiary Hidrovachek Ltda., a South American manufacturer/supplier of pool products and vinyl liners.

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Heat pump systems

The high cost for non-renewable energy sources, such as oil and natural gas, continues to rise each year. As this is top of mind for most consumers, an increasing number are looking for alternative heating systems that maximize energy output while reducing the amount of energy required for operation.

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The case for pool pump upgrades

When people talk about home energy efficiency, the conversation seldom leads to pool pumps and that needs to change. One of the most significant energy-consuming devices in homes with swimming pools is the pool pump. Pumps keep pools clean and safe by circulating water through filters. They often also circulate water through heaters, cleaners, water features or fountains. Depending on the pool, some use one pump to perform all these jobs, while others use multiple pumps. Traditional pumps typically have one- or two-horsepower motors that run at least five to six hours per day, sometimes around the clock, consuming energy.

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