Excellent pond water quality and clarity is attainable, it just takes a bit of work. Like anything in life, however, if it is worth doing, it is better if it is done right. There is no quick fix or magic potion when it comes to proper pond maintenance. Instead, it requires an understanding of the five essential elements that contribute to water quality and clarity: circulation, aeration, filtration, beneficial bacteria, and aquatic plants.
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After finalizing the plans and design with the clients for the Okanagan gold rush project, the next step was a massive cleanup and preparation of the land where this approximately 7.74 m2 (12,000 sf) backyard feature would be created. The general plan outlined the gold rush cabin, outdoor kitchen structure, putting green, and the natural swimming pool (NSP)/pond. The land preparation had to be performed in an environmentally sensitive manner not only to be less invasive in general, but also to try and save as many of the existing plants, shrubs, and trees as possible to incorporate them into the final landscape plans.
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On the surface, natural swimming pools (NSPs) look like a natural garden pond; however, they are in fact much more. They are specifically designed so people can swim in clean, pure water without the use of any chemicals. A NSP or swim pond comprises two zones: a deep, central swimming area, and a shallow surrounding area, which encompasses various plants specifically chosen to filter the water.
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When people think of ponds, some may think ‘green’ is just for algae. Today, however, ponds can be crystal clear and environmentally ‘green.’ In fact, ponds are esthetically beautiful, incredibly relaxing, and offer a variety of ecological benefits. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), for instance, gasoline-powered landscape equipment (e.g. mowers, trimmers, blowers, and chainsaws) used to maintain traditional landscapes account for more than five per cent of urban air pollution. Further, residential application of pesticides is typically at a rate 20 times that of farmers per acre; yard wastes (mostly grass clippings) comprise 20 per cent of municipal solid waste collected, and most still ends up in landfills; and a lawn has less than 10 per cent of the water absorption capacity of a natural woodland—one reason for suburban flooding. Replacing all or at least some portions of a lawn with a pond can actually support the environment.
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After designing, installing and maintaining ponds and water features for more than a decade, Clearwater Ponds has opened its first retail showroom.
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Applying known technologies to everyday practical uses has become commonplace for consumer products, and enzymes are no exception. Probiotic yogurt, laundry detergent, and shampoos use enzymes because of their effectiveness and versatility. In fact, health store shelves sport enzyme products promising to work all sorts of miracles, including improved digestive systems, strengthening hair and giving it shine, and keeping oils and greases from leaving unsightly stains on clothes allowing them to last longer.
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“These rocks and pools have always been here, haven’t they?” “Surely you didn’t build this.” “This looks like the hand of nature.” These are comments every water shape designer loves to hear, but alas, all too often they do not. Many manmade water features are meant to appear natural; however, most are not that convincing.
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