Maximize pool performance with tips on proper circulation, filtration, and specialty solutions like enzymes and liquid solar technology to simplify maintenance and enhance water quality.
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Specialty retailers throughout Canada and the U.S. continue to experience robust growth in the hot tub sector. One of the major challenges faced by hot tub retailers is the profitable sale of chemicals. In the past, spa water chemicals used to yield significant profit margins; however, due to competition from big-box retailers and online merchandisers, those margins have just about disappeared.
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Maintaining pool water in top condition demands continuous effort throughout the entire season, not just during openings and closings. As the season progresses, various factors can lead to water quality issues that may not have been evident when the pool was first opened.
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There are many chemicals involved in creating a clean and safe pool, and they can be broken down into four main categories: sanitizers, oxidizers, algaecides, and ancillary chemicals. Each plays a different role in the “Three Ps” of pool care.
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