Tag Archives: pool closing

PHTCC offers waste water discharge guidelines

In an effort to provide swimming pool and hot tub owners and service providers with reference materials for managing and controlling waste water discharge, the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) has released its recommended guidelines for Water Discharge Best Management Practices (G-0613), the latest in its series of guiding principles for the industry.

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Changing weather prompts alternative look at pool maintenance

By Terry Arko

When service professionals winterize a pool, they are, in a sense, ‘putting it to bed’ for the winter. However, while most pool professionals forget all about those pools until the following spring, it might be worth checking in on the pool before its time to ‘wake up.’ In doing so, you may be able to avoid some challenging openings.

The traditional approach

Winterizing differs depending on the geographic region. The Northeast experiences … Continue reading Changing weather prompts alternative look at pool maintenance

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