Tag Archives: Pool Installation

Natural swimming pools (NSPs) garner interest in North America

A natural swimming pool (NSP) or pond is an engineered system comprising a contained swimming vessel and a constructed wetland. The constructed wetland may be integrated with or separated from the swimming vessel. Water purification and clarification is achieved entirely via the use of biological filters, hydroponically rooted aquatic plants, and the balanced ecosystem contained within the wetland, without the use of any chemicals or devices that disinfect or sterilize the pool water. For bather health and safety, the NSP optimizes the conditions found in nature’s water bodies.

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Building swimming pools

Concrete is undoubtedly one of the most widely used materials in construction. It is used in everything from sidewalks and skyscrapers to swimming pools and landscapes. Much of this is due to its relative abundance, ease of use, portability, and cost effectiveness. Due to its physical properties, concrete is best suited for applications where it is loaded axially in compression (i.e. columns, slabs on grade, etc.). Concrete has an extremely high compressive strength with a normal range of 15 to 32 MPa (2,175 to 4,641 psi) in the pool and landscaping industries. This is perhaps the most popular and well-known property of concrete and is often the only one used to specify a concrete mix in pool and landscape projects.

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Project Spotlight: Aloha Pools Ltd. (2013)

This Vancouver homeowner called upon Aloha Pools Ltd., of Surrey, B.C., to help them fulfil their wish of converting their existing 7.6- x 13.7-m (25- x 45-ft) kidney-shaped swimming pool into a perimeter overflow design, while at the same time completely updating the current pool surround.

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New building options for above-ground pools

When it comes to selling and installing above-ground swimming pools, today’s builders are no longer limited by the traditional installation methods concerning these pools, which are typically built ‘above’ or ‘on’ the ground. Thanks to product development by various manufacturers, new options are available to homeowners that allow these pools to be installed above-ground, semi-inground, or even completely inground. Further, these options provide both retailers and builders a variety of selling options to meet a number of consumer price points and backyard configurations.

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Project Spotlight: Lido Pools (2012)

This Toronto project, built by Lido Pools in Richmond Hill, Ont., is a testament to how vinyl-lined swimming pools can approach the appearance of a gunite swimming pool.
To do just this, various features of this 5.8- x 10-m (19- x 33-ft) multiform geometric rectilinear pool were customized, including the skimmer locations, which were raised to the top of the wall panel to allow the water level to rest 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) below the natural-stone coping. In fact, the coping itself was also modified by notching the bullnose so it would overhang and essentially hide the pool’s vinyl-liner track.

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Fibreglass pool installation

Installing a fibreglass pool is easy. A pool builder can provide a family with a lifetime of enjoyment and great memories in less than a week and call it a career. Most families who purchase a swimming pool have been dreaming and saving for many years; therefore, the reward of a successful pool installation is shared by both the homeowner as well as the installer.

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