Whether one calls it winterizing, closing, off-season, or end-of-season pool care—how service professionals deal with pool water once there is not much pool activity all boils down to what part of the country the pool is located. In all cases, the two variables that need to be addressed are: a) managing water balance and, b) controlling organics.
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How many service techs are aware the purple haze? A purple crystal-like stain on the water surface usually discovered when a pool is opened in the spring.
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Pool ownership can be a lot of fun—but that fun doesn’t come without a little hard work. Whether you’re opening your pool in the spring, maintaining it through a busy summer or shutting it down in the fall, paying attention to detail will save you valuable time and money.
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Spring can be an exciting time for pool owners. Everyone looks forward to opening the pool and another season of making many family memories. However, pool opening is often quite stressful—especially for maintenance technicians new to the job—as problems may arise that were not anticipated and, in some cases, can be difficult and frustrating to handle.
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Service professionals faced with cleaning and opening swimming pools damaged by Hurricane Sandy now have an online, step-by-step program they can use to ensure pool water is free of contaminates and safe for bathing.
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Spring is here, which means opening season for swimming pools is just around the corner. The proper spring startup sets the tone for the entire season. For saltwater pools, spring startup is even more critical if problems such as chlorine (Cl) demand, algae, staining and scale were experienced during the prior season and not dealt with adequately.
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