Tag Archives: public pool

Updating natatoriums for maximum occupant comfort

The knowledge of what natatoriums require for a successful design has been upgraded dramatically in the last quarter century. Recent technological advancements and state-of-the-art engineering standards have not only made these improvements possible, but have also made significant improvements in indoor pools for spectators and swimmers.

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Building the UBC aquatic centre

The state-of-the-art University of British Columbia (UBC) Aquatic Centre, which opened earlier this year, is a modern competitive and recreational aquatic facility that was designed and built by a team of consultants and contractors working with UBC and UBC Properties Trust. The facility represents a unique hybrid aquatic complex that brings together the programmatic uses of competition, community, and campus life.

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A systematic approach to handling recreational water illness outbreaks

Recreational water illnesses (RWIs) are always a hot topic of discussion towards the end of summer, when filters at aquatic facilities work overtime to keep pool water clean and clear thanks to higher bather loads. Unfortunately, there are always outbreaks—some bigger than others. The more severe the occurrence, the more likely it is to capture the attention of mainstream media. This article is not about the graphic descriptors of these microscopic invaders, but rather a look at solutions for destroying and keeping these bugs out of pools.

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A look at the latest commercial pool accessories, equipment, and design features

Technology continues to advance in the commercial and residential pool markets, as there are always new products, technologies, and design methods being introduced. This article will look at what is trending for 2017. Some of the design options and products that are discussed are not necessarily new to the industry, but thanks to new technologies and innovations, they continue to make an impression on clients who realize they need to have them in their aquatic facilities.

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Minimizing injury risks at public swimming pools

As swimming continues to grow as a preferred method of exercise and physical therapy for the young and elderly alike, commercial aquatic facilities continue to experience an increase in patronage year after year. This can be witnessed by the escalating number of people who use pools for water aerobics, muscle strengthening, and water walking/yoga; not to mention traditional swim lessons, and competitive swimming and diving.

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