Tag Archives: public pool

Retrofitting HVAC Systems

Sooner or later an indoor pool facility will require a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system retrofit. For many hotels, community, and school pools built in the 1980s and early 1990s this is happening now because their HVAC systems are close to the end of their typical lifecycle, which is approximately 15 to 25 years.

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Empowering public health inspectors to enforce regulations

Public swimming pools and hot tubs are an important source of healthy recreational activity. There are an abundance of these facilities in Canada, and Ontario is no exception. Swimming is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise—a swimmer uses multiple muscle groups, it is easy on joints, and it strengthens the heart. A few minutes in a hot tub can relax tense muscles, ease stress, and be a great source of enjoyment.

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YMCA facility upgrades its operational efficiencies

Commercial aquatic facilities are continuously reviewing their operating costs and evaluating the benefits of replacing a heater, pump, or filtration system to improve the operational efficiency of the pump room. Smart pool professionals are now taking the time to look at the pump room as a whole whereby integrating all equipment to make all components run with greater synergy. Rather than look at individual parts of the pump room, it has become even more important, especially with today’s new technology, to look at the entire operational system to ensure all of the individual components achieve maximum performance.

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