Tag Archives: salary survey

Industry salary survey reveals latest trends

This report marks the seventh year we’ve asked readers of Pool & Spa Marketing to participate in our annual salary survey to provide input on the state of the country’s pool, spa/hot tub, and landscaping design/build and retail industry, as well as offer foresight into the coming season and years ahead.

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Annual poll takes industry’s pulse

Pool & Spa Marketing recently conducted its sixth annual salary survey of the Canadian aquatics industry and according to your input, provided anonymously, the majority of respondents are working between 35 and 50 hours per week, which is 10 per cent lower than in 2013 and may be attributed to the slow season.

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Time is money, survey finds

Pool & Spa Marketing‘s third annual salary survey results show the number of industry professionals earning more than $60,000 a year has increased by six per cent—from 46 per cent in 2010 to 52 per cent in 2011.

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