Tag Archives: SeaKlear Pool and Spa Products

Avoiding recreational water illnesses

Recreational water illnesses (RWIs) are always a hot topic of discussion at the end of summer when higher bather loads at commercial aquatic facilities force filtration systems to work overtime to keep pool water clean and clear. Unfortunately, there are always outbreaks—some bigger than others, which everyone hears about via mainstream media. This article is not going to discuss the graphic descriptors of these microscopic invaders, but rather look at the methods for destroying and keeping these bugs out of pools.

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Innovations in hot tub water treatment brighten the industry’s future

Throughout history, water has been considered an everlasting commodity. However, much is changing and worldwide water supplies are dwindling due to pollution from overuse and industrialization. Water is a necessity for drinking, cleansing, hydrating, agriculture, food processing, power generation and sewage transport; therefore, the further its replenishment becomes unsustainable, regulations dealing with its use will only increase. As a result, the idea of selling hot tubs as a luxury item could become more difficult. Further, it also begs the question, what will the future hold for an industry where water is the integral part of what is sold and serviced?

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Changing weather prompts alternative look at pool maintenance

By Terry Arko

When service professionals winterize a pool, they are, in a sense, ‘putting it to bed’ for the winter. However, while most pool professionals forget all about those pools until the following spring, it might be worth checking in on the pool before its time to ‘wake up.’ In doing so, you may be able to avoid some challenging openings.

The traditional approach

Winterizing differs depending on the geographic region. The Northeast experiences … Continue reading Changing weather prompts alternative look at pool maintenance

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