Natare Corporation has appointed Austin Carroll Pool Construction Ltd., in Milton, Ont., its premier partner for Canada.
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Artistry is a creatively revitalized mixed-use apartment complex in the Cole Noble district of downtown Indianapolis. Its architecture, modern features, and appreciation for the arts come from the community’s history of craft and skill. The main building features five storeys of urban apartment homes and 6,317 m2 (68,000 sf) of commercial office space. Two additional buildings provide further living options to suit different lifestyles, including eco-suites for those who need minimal space.
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While extremely popular in Europe, current pool installation trends show stainless steel is an up-and-coming building material for aquatic applications in not only Asia, the Caribbean, and New Zealand, but also Canada. Stainless steel has been used to build pools in Austria since the ’60s; prior to this, traditional, structural steel or aluminum (base metals) was primarily used. The former is a standard building material used in many construction fields…
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