Tag Archives: standards

Empowering public health inspectors to enforce regulations

Public swimming pools and hot tubs are an important source of healthy recreational activity. There are an abundance of these facilities in Canada, and Ontario is no exception. Swimming is one of the best forms of aerobic exercise—a swimmer uses multiple muscle groups, it is easy on joints, and it strengthens the heart. A few minutes in a hot tub can relax tense muscles, ease stress, and be a great source of enjoyment.

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Commercial versus residential spas

Commercial spas have increased in popularity over the years, primarily due to three significant changes. First, because they fit into certain applications where concrete or tiled spas do not meet the customer’s criteria or location requirements; second, residential spas are not deemed acceptable, primarily due to the different design properties of the various engineering firms responsible for specifying spas; and third, updated municipal, provincial, and federal health and building codes—along with new industry standards—have contributed to the shift toward specially designed, constructed, and engineered units.

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Natural swimming pools (NSPs) garner interest in North America

A natural swimming pool (NSP) or pond is an engineered system comprising a contained swimming vessel and a constructed wetland. The constructed wetland may be integrated with or separated from the swimming vessel. Water purification and clarification is achieved entirely via the use of biological filters, hydroponically rooted aquatic plants, and the balanced ecosystem contained within the wetland, without the use of any chemicals or devices that disinfect or sterilize the pool water. For bather health and safety, the NSP optimizes the conditions found in nature’s water bodies.

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