Tag Archives: Tatjana Dinic

Clearance requirements for pool installations near overhead and underground wiring

Electrical safety around swimming pools is critical. Overhead power lines as well as underground wiring represent a shock hazard when in close proximity to swimming pools.
The Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) has specific requirements in Section 68, Pools, tubs, and spas, intended to provide enhanced electric-shock protection in these aquatic environments by means of bonding and ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) protection.

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Ontario’s electrical safety code guidelines for pool/spa installations

The Ontario Electrical Safety Code (OESC) provides the minimum safety requirements for electrical installations in various locations. Section 68 of the OESC includes rules specific to electrical installations and electrical equipment related to swimming pools and spas/hot tubs. Grounding and bonding rules in the code are always challenging, and Rule 68-058, which provides bonding requirements for pools, is no exception.

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