Tag Archives: Terry Arko

Making a case for Phosphate Control in Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs

Calcium phosphate scale is a new problem creeping into the swimming pool and hot tub industry. However, the problem has long been recognized in the boiler industry. Calcium phosphate scale became prevalent when reverse osmosis (RO) technology was widely applied to municipal waste water. Due to recent water shortages, municipal waste water recycling and reuse has become a major area where this water purification technology has become prevalent. As such, preventative actions have become commonplace for commercial boiler water and now, it seems, it may become standard for treating swimming pool and hot tub water, as well.

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Restoring pool and hot tub water to its original state

Water has been under a lot of stress in modern times. Each year, the world generates roughly 36 trillion kilograms (400 billion tons) of waste, which, unfortunately, for many years ended up in the world’s rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 50 per cent of groundwater supplies in North America are contaminated with pesticides. Water is subject to everything within the environment, including organic debris, petroleum, air pollution, and nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates. What does this have to do with swimming pools and hot tubs? Simple, water is the industry’s main ingredient, without good quality water being readily available the industry has nothing to offer.

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Innovations in hot tub water treatment brighten the industry’s future

Throughout history, water has been considered an everlasting commodity. However, much is changing and worldwide water supplies are dwindling due to pollution from overuse and industrialization. Water is a necessity for drinking, cleansing, hydrating, agriculture, food processing, power generation and sewage transport; therefore, the further its replenishment becomes unsustainable, regulations dealing with its use will only increase. As a result, the idea of selling hot tubs as a luxury item could become more difficult. Further, it also begs the question, what will the future hold for an industry where water is the integral part of what is sold and serviced?

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Changing weather prompts alternative look at pool maintenance

By Terry Arko

When service professionals winterize a pool, they are, in a sense, ‘putting it to bed’ for the winter. However, while most pool professionals forget all about those pools until the following spring, it might be worth checking in on the pool before its time to ‘wake up.’ In doing so, you may be able to avoid some challenging openings.

The traditional approach

Winterizing differs depending on the geographic region. The Northeast experiences … Continue reading Changing weather prompts alternative look at pool maintenance

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