Tag Archives: training

Reducing risk and liability at aquatic facilities

Physical activities, including those associated with aquatic facilities, have inherent risks associated with them. Having an aquatic risk management plan in place will not only protect users, but also staff. In the strict definition of the law, aquatic professionals have a ‘duty of care,’ and failure to exercise that duty can be deemed as negligence. Therefore, putting a risk management plan into effect is the best way to abide by this law. This plan should identify areas of potential risk to injuries and illnesses for patrons and staff. Every business encounters risks, some of which are predictable and under management’s control; others are unpredictable and uncontrollable.

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The Middlesex-London Health Unit puts aquatic facility training program into action

The relationship between the local health department and the owners, operators, lifeguards, and support staff of public pools and spas, can be seen as multi-dimensional, but from any angle it is directly related and essential to the health and safety of patrons. The inspectors’ role ranges from inspection and enforcement to training and support. Numerous risks can be associated with recreational water facility use, including potential exposure to waterborne illnesses, not to mention life-threatening injuries. Inspectors, and those who manage or oversee the operation of these facilities, can work together to ensure they are operated in compliance with relevant public health legislation.

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NSPF expands international efforts

The National Swimming Pool Foundation® (NSPF®) has increased its delivery of pool and spa education around the world to improve the health and safety of pools and patrons. Since 1984, 139 active NSPF instructors outside of the U.S. have provided Certified Pool/Spa Operator® (CPO®) certification opportunities in 97 countries and certified more than 19,900 students.

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Aquatics industry opens arms to e-learning

The pool and spa industry has been slow to embrace online learning. However, an increasing number of professionals are recognizing the value it brings to the table, or in this case, to the computer. In an increasingly busy world, time is of the essence. Many industry professionals know they need the training and will benefit from it; however, finding the time to complete the programs is another thing.

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Education, training, key in preventing accidents on the jobsite

Building, renovating, and servicing pools and spas/hot tubs is a dangerous occupation and one that puts workers in close contact with potentially hazardous situations daily. Machinery, tools, water, electricity, chemicals, and confined spaces are all common in the workplace for those in the aquatics industry. No matter the company’s size—whether a large firm with hundreds of employees or an entrepreneur operating out of their truck—the importance of safety at work is equal.

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