Tag Archives: vinyl liners

Emerging technologies assist vinyl liner and safety cover installers

Pool measuring has been a large part of a service professional’s job for many years. The skill to measure accurately takes training, patience, and time as they are necessary for the successful installation of high-priced custom fabricated vinyl liners and safety covers. Correct measurements not only ensure products fit properly, but also help projects operate more efficiently.

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Latham adds Plastimayd brands to its product lineup

Latham Pool Products, a large North American manufacturer of swimming pool components and accessories has added to its pool products portfolio with the acquisition of Plastimayd LLC, a manufacturer of swimming pool vinyl liners with facilities in Louisiana and Oregon. In addition to Plastimayd and VynAll liners, the acquisition also includes CoverLogix safety covers.

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Dealing with vinyl liner stains

Vinyl pool liners, which are protected by special additives and coatings, can withstand the extremes of sunshine, heat, cold and constant exposure to chemically treated water. However, even the highest quality liner is still subject to staining, discolouration and other unsightly symptoms if proper water balance is not maintained, debris is allowed to remain in the pool and if water treatment chemicals are used improperly.

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