Tag Archives: water feature

Last Drop

The clean, sharp lines of the large, 5.5- x 11-m (18- x 36-ft) rectangular pool and the sheer water feature instantly catch the eye in this luxurious backyard in Richmond Hill, Ont.

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Musical fountain sings again

Considered the oldest living city in Europe, and the sixth oldest city in the world, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, is a city steeped in rich history and culture dating back to 5000 BC and contains remnants of ancient Greek, Roman, Turkish, and Byzantine civilizations. Since the end of the 18th century, the city’s landscape has revolved around a central community hub.

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A pool with panache

Why settle for a run-of-the mill pool experience? There are so many options out there that can help set your backyard apart from the rest. If your budget allows, then consider adding a bit more flair to create the oasis of your dreams. (Note that not all of these features are available for all material types—consult your pool builder for more information.)

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A one-of-a-kind water feature is a collaborative success

Acapulco Pools, a commercial pool builder and service provider based in Kitchener, Ont., has worked with Dan Euser Waterarchitecture (DEW) several times over the years and have come to know his water feature designs, which are typically well-suited to the location, reflect functional expectations, and by no means ‘run of the mill.’ In addition to the hauntingly dramatic National September 11 Memorial water features in Manhattan, N.Y., Euser has produced dozens of unique water effect designs all over the world. Despite knowing this, Acapulco Pools did not expect him to say he was designing a “one-off” project called the ‘Weather Catcher’ to be built in Ft. McMurray, Alta., at the Jubilee Centre of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. The water feature was part of a larger reurbanization project that included new municipal-use spaces, a café, and an open-air plaza designed with a large moving sculptural stage that would also act as a gathering place for residents in the city.

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Today’s backyard designs are tomorrow’s most sought-after projects

The allure of the swimming pool has passed through time undiluted. From the grand bathhouses in Rome and Greece to today’s sleek, sophisticated designs, pools transcend geography and demographics. Often a symbol of luxury, current popular designs and features provide elegant living and effortless convenience. Modern-day pool owners want more than to bask in the shimmering reflection; they want

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