Tag Archives: water maintenance

A systematic approach to handling recreational water illness outbreaks

Recreational water illnesses (RWIs) are always a hot topic of discussion towards the end of summer, when filters at aquatic facilities work overtime to keep pool water clean and clear thanks to higher bather loads. Unfortunately, there are always outbreaks—some bigger than others. The more severe the occurrence, the more likely it is to capture the attention of mainstream media. This article is not about the graphic descriptors of these microscopic invaders, but rather a look at solutions for destroying and keeping these bugs out of pools.

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Advice for service pros dealing with pesky vinyl liner stains

Vinyl liner pools are one of the most popular construction methods in Canada for many reasons—one being ease of maintenance. For example, it is harder for algae to grow on vinyl than on plaster. However, even the highest quality vinyl liner is still subject to staining and discolouration. Improper water balance, water treatments, and specific types of debris can cause persistent maintenance problems, most notably staining on vinyl surfaces. This article provides a brief overview of how typical staining occurs to help service professionals take care of these persistent maintenance challenges.

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Tips and tricks for identifying and treating tough algae

As the weather warms up and the swim season starts, pool water quality begins to suffer and algae often start to grow. Some algae are easy to treat and remove; however, other types can be quite challenging to deal with. The three main types are: green, black, and yellow/mustard algae. Green algae is relatively easy to eradicate, but yellow/mustard and black algae are difficult to kill and, as a result, can make the job of a pool service professional difficult.

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Advice on how to handle off-season water quality issues

Spring can be an exciting time for pool owners. Everyone looks forward to opening the pool and another season of making many family memories. However, pool opening is often quite stressful—especially for maintenance technicians new to the job—as problems may arise that were not anticipated and, in some cases, can be difficult and frustrating to handle.

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Making pool water maintenance easier for service professionals

Enzymes have evolved over the years to a point where there are now specific products based upon the needs of each and every body of water. Today, there are two different types of enzyme products available for use in the pool and spa/hot tub industry—broad spectrum produced through a fermentation process is one, while limited capacity commercially manufactured then blended enzymes are another. Both will provide visible results, but they work differently based upon how they are made.

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Equipment troubleshooting tips for service professionals and retailers

Today, automatic/robotic pool cleaners are not only a convenient maintenance accessory for pool owners, but are also a great tool for industry professionals when incorporated into their service routine. That said, with so many of these products in the market, not only do industry professionals need to be well-versed in troubleshooting any number of complications they might face, but also be able to…

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