Tag Archives: water maintenance

The future of saltwater pools

In any given season, the swimming pool industry sees its fair share of new products and technologies. Some are fads that come and go, while others such as passive ionizers or biguanides, which were introduced in the ’90s, experience initial rapid growth and then settle into a niche category. A few become really popular because they create real value. Over time their popularity grows and they become established as they evolve to match changing consumer expectations.

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A biochemical catalyst for supplemental pool and spa maintenance

Applying known technologies to everyday practical uses has become commonplace for consumer products, and enzymes are no exception. Probiotic yogurt, laundry detergent, and shampoos use enzymes because of their effectiveness and versatility. In fact, health store shelves sport enzyme products promising to work all sorts of miracles, including improved digestive systems, strengthening hair and giving it shine, and keeping oils and greases from leaving unsightly stains on clothes allowing them to last longer.

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Mobile technology revolutionizes pool/spa operation

The number of things people can do with a smartphone is rapidly increasing and there are no signs of it slowing down. Today, more consumers are using their mobile phones not only to stay in touch with friends and family, but to also pay bills, make travel/entertainment plans, check weather forecasts and even play games. In fact, sales of these mobile devices (e.g. iPhone,® iPad,® BlackBerry, ® and Google Android™) are measured in millions per month.

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Operating an Olympic-sized pool

By Roy D. Vore, PhD

When it comes to water maintenance, a pool is just a pool, right? But how about treating and managing a 50-m (164-ft) Olympic pool with 1,135,624 L (300,000 gal) of water, which must be sparkling clear every day? Regardless of a pool’s water volume, disinfection, water balance, and filtration remain the same.

However, a casual stroll through the pump room of one these massive facilities can be quite eye opening … Continue reading Operating an Olympic-sized pool

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Identifying saltwater problems related to salt crystal chemistry

It goes without saying salt is a critical component of saltwater pools. Without it, electrolysis within the electrolytic chlorine generator (ECG) could not take place, and chlorine could not be produced to sanitize the water. Yet, ironically, poor quality salt can produce several problems in a saltwater pool, including staining, scale, and increased chlorine demand.

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Innovations in hot tub water treatment brighten the industry’s future

Throughout history, water has been considered an everlasting commodity. However, much is changing and worldwide water supplies are dwindling due to pollution from overuse and industrialization. Water is a necessity for drinking, cleansing, hydrating, agriculture, food processing, power generation and sewage transport; therefore, the further its replenishment becomes unsustainable, regulations dealing with its use will only increase. As a result, the idea of selling hot tubs as a luxury item could become more difficult. Further, it also begs the question, what will the future hold for an industry where water is the integral part of what is sold and serviced?

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