Tag Archives: water maintenance

Maintenance and troubleshooting tips for saltwater chlorinators

One of the fastest growing accessories in the swimming pool and spa industry are electrolytic chlorine generators (ECGs), which also go by the name of salt chlorine generators (SCGs), saltwater chlorinators and saltwater generators. They all do the same thing—produce chlorine onsite. The popularity of this sanitation method is increasing in both the residential and commercial pool/spa markets; however, there is a lack of understanding in terms of how these systems work, how they are maintained and how to properly diagnose and troubleshoot a system to ensure successful operation year after year.

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Busting water maintenance myths

There are plenty of misconceptions about water chemistry and testing floating around. Aside from the one about a dye that will detect people peeing in the pool, which can be helpful if swimmers believe it, they all impede our ability to manage water quality. So let’s do some myth busting.

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Using ultraviolet (UV) technology to improve water and air quality

Various halogens and sanitizers are used to treat waterborne pathogens in pool and hot tub water; however, as frequent reports on recreational water illnesses (RWIs) (i.e. Cryptosporidium [Crypto] and Giardia) and bacteria outbreaks abound in the press, many commercial pool operators and some residential pool owners are now incorporating a supplemental disinfection system (SDS) to assist in water sanitation.

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Making money with saltwater pools

It is no secret the pool industry has been beset by declining sales and profits. The reasons seem obvious: new pool construction is down, consumer spending has slumped, the overall economy is struggling and mass merchants are carrying more and more after-market pool products. Pool owners are also turning to the Internet to purchase pool supplies, which further decreases profits.

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