Tag Archives: water treatment

Managing water balance and controlling organics

Whether one calls it winterizing, closing, off-season, or end-of-season pool care—how service professionals deal with pool water once there is not much pool activity all boils down to what part of the country the pool is located. In all cases, the two variables that need to be addressed are: a) managing water balance and, b) controlling organics.

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The importance of testing and removing phosphates

By Alicia Stephens and Anjelica Swanson

People purchase hot tubs for many different reasons, including health benefits, therapeutic massage, and overall relaxation.

Regardless of the motivation to purchase, hot tub users want their ownership experience to be as easy and trouble-free as possible. However, due to the hot water and aeration that are key elements to hot tubs, their maintenance can be challenging. Therefore, establishing an effective maintenance routine that includes testing the water regularly … Continue reading The importance of testing and removing phosphates

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