Tag Archives: water treatment

Ultraviolet sanitizers can improve water and indoor air quality

An increasing number of natatoriums have problems with indoor air quality. When the air in an indoor aquatic facility smells like chlorine, this is the first indicator that something is wrong. The odour is often worse at water level, but can be extremely irritating at deck level or in the viewing area as well. In many cases, the trademark ‘chlorine’ odour is not the only problem, eye irritation and difficulty breathing may also be experienced. The second indicator is rusting on metal fittings in and around the pool.

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Understanding the differences between pool and hot tub water quality

Despite some long-held beliefs, a hot tub is not simply a small pool. There are major differences between the chemistry of these aquatic environments that are unique enough to warrant a separate discussion. For service technicians, understanding these differences and knowing how to alter a testing and treatment regimen geared for pools to one suited for hot tubs is critical for maintaining healthy water for their customers.

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The intricacies of automated chemical controllers

Proper water balance in commercial pools and spas can be the difference between a safe, attractive facility and a disastrous one. Advances in chemical automation, disinfection methods, and better education on the problems associated with water chemistry have made the aquatic facility operator’s job easier when ensuring pool and spa water is safe for bathers.

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