Tag Archives: water treatment

Spa Solution

Promote tub sales by bringing happy customers back to your showroom. Prospective tub buyers will want to ‘get on that band wagon’! Uncertain water balance and dermal sensitivity, are eliminated when your customers use The Original Spa Solution…

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Enzyme-based water conditioners enhance the hot tub experience

The hot water industry is constantly evolving, making it necessary to research new trends and products in the hot tub market. For instance, there is growing interest in the use of natural products for water conditioning, balancing, and making water maintenance easier. This is all driven by consumer knowledge of, and their need for, an improved bathing experience.

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Another way to sanitize pool water without using more chemicals

Today, industry professionals face a number of questions from clients on how they can use fewer chemicals (i.e. chlorine [Cl] and/or bromine [Br]) in their pool, what alternatives are available to reduce chemical odours in and around the water, and what options do they have in cases where children may have sensitive skin and develop rashes or hives in pools using traditional sanitizing methods?

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A handy additive

A new cyanuric acid reducing product is now available from Bio-Active™ Products Inc. Bio-Active,™ an all-natural, non-toxic, non-allergenic, and non-polluting additive, works by reducing cyanuric acid levels in pool water, while…

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Understanding the essential elements to proper water maintenance

Excellent pond water quality and clarity is attainable, it just takes a bit of work. Like anything in life, however, if it is worth doing, it is better if it is done right. There is no quick fix or magic potion when it comes to proper pond maintenance. Instead, it requires an understanding of the five essential elements that contribute to water quality and clarity: circulation, aeration, filtration, beneficial bacteria, and aquatic plants.

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