A handy additive

by jason_cramp | January 21, 2015 1:59 pm

A_Handy_Additive[1]A new cyanuric acid reducing product is now available from Bio-Active™ Products Inc. Bio-Active,™ an all-natural, non-toxic, non-allergenic, and non-polluting additive, works by reducing cyanuric acid levels in pool water, while maintaining the efficacy of chlorine and other sanitizing products. The product is available in 60-ml (2 oz) and 237 ml (8 oz) pouches. The small size can be used for spring pool start-ups and can treat most residential pools for up to a week, while the larger pouch can treat pools up to 94,635 L (25,000 gal) with a free chlorine count of no more than seven parts per million (ppm). The large pouch features an angled spout with a small opening cap for easy dosage and to minimize exposure to moisture. A level gauge can also be found on the backside of the pouch to verify dosage.

Visit website[2]

  1. [Image]: http://poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/A_Handy_Additive.jpg
  2. Visit website: http://www.solarsunrings.com

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/a-handy-additive/