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A review of five different natural swimming pool (NSP) designs

Type 4: Swimming pool conversion

type 3 and 4 natural swimming pond (1)
The circulation equipment used for ‘Type 4’ natural swimming pools (NSPs) circulates the entire water volume one-to-two times within a 24-hour period.

In the last number of years, ‘Type 4’ swim ponds have become extremely popular with homeowners looking to convert their traditional swimming pool into a NSP. These projects are typically for those who perhaps are allergic or have respiratory issues with traditional pool sanitizers.

These swim ponds provide homeowners an esthetically pleasing way in which to create a more natural landscape in their backyard. The circulation equipment used for ‘Type 4’ NSPs circulates the entire water volume one to two times within a 24-hour period. For these NSPs, hydraulics is more important, whereas the wetland, or regeneration area, can be minimized to 35 to 40 per cent of the entire water surface. In terms of construction, they are often built in a two-part system wherein the regeneration zone is its own separate entity and external to the main swim pond area.

From a design perspective, this concept provides a number of unique ways to create a smooth transition from the hardscape of a house into a natural wetland.

Type 5: Just for looks

‘Type 5’ NSPs still provide a chemical-free swimming experience, yet provide traditional swimming pool water purification, which is accomplished via technical systems. Therefore, the plant life is more of an esthetic component of these swim ponds and do not serve any real functionality as they do in the previously mentioned NSPs.

Water purification is maintained mainly by bio filters and substrates, which bind the phosphorous and hinders the opportunity for algae growth. In this example, the entire water volume is circulated many times over a 24-hour period.

A hybrid option

water quality type 3 and 4 natural swimming ponds
Hybrid natural swimming pools (NSPs) typically provide an active water depth of 2.7 to 3.6 m (9 to 12 ft), allowing the owner to see every single rock at the bottom of their pool.

In general, builders mainly use the principles of a ‘Type 3’ swim pond and combine essential elements from ‘Type 4’ and ‘Type 5’ NSPs to create a hybrid option for clients. These NSPs provide an active water depth of 2.7 to 3.6 m (9 to 12 ft), allowing the owner to see every single rock at the bottom of their pool.


Winkler_HeadshotMarkus Winkler is the master designer and lead strategist for PoolsByNature, a designer/builder of natural swimming pools (NSPs) in Kelowna, B.C. He has more than 12 years of experience in the field of NSPs. Winkler has an engineering background in electronics and has received extensive education with respect to environmental and aquatic applications. He can be reached via e-mail at



Karen J. Williams is the design analyst for PoolsByNature. She has more than 20 years of experience in environmentally sustainable product strategies and is a member of the design team responsible for the connection between licensee partnerships and end-users while working with the company’s master designer.

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4 comments on “A review of five different natural swimming pool (NSP) designs”

    1. Hello Dubious –

      Thank you for your comment. The text should have read: “approximately 7000 litres per hour (L/h) (1849 gallons per hour [gph])”
      This has been updated.

      Jason Cramp
      Pool & Spa Marketing

  1. I’m interested in the Type 5 NSP pool type for a pool conversion. Do you know how many times the water is circulated in 24 hours and if the pump just runs for 8 hours a day or 24/7? Thanks

  2. Could you tell me if I might be able to create a type 5 Pool with incorporating a plant zone with a mechanical filter and using an ionizer, ozonator and uv system to achieve sanitization and clarity? No clorine. I wish to not see algae.

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