Explaining UV and its benefits
When a client asks their pool service professional how they can reduce the amount of chemicals used in their pool, it is the perfect time to explain the benefits they would see by adding a UV sanitizer. In doing so, it is important to explain how the system works in addition to its benefits relative to other alternative sanitizer options in the marketplace.

Also take the time to explain how the system can be easily installed (added) onto their pool’s existing circulation system. When doing this, use manufacturer diagrams and brochures to illustrate the process, showing how the pool water passes through the light chamber in the unit, exposing it to a high intensity, germicidal UV ray that destroys waterborne pathogens, including algae, bacteria, and cyst, as well as viruses such as E.Coli, Cryptosporidium (Crypto), and Giardia.
It is important the pool owner understands UV is a physical rather than a chemical process, which is what makes these sanitization systems environmentally friendly. There is no residual effect that is harmful to bathers, animals, plants, or the environment. The result is clean water that looks, feels, and smells better.
Answering common questions from clients
- How soon will the water quality improve?
This is a valid question and one in which the service professional can guarantee that a pool owner will see improvement in the water and surrounding air within one to three days after the UV system has been installed. Once the entire volume of pool water has circulated through the unit, the UV rays will not only sanitize the water, but also reduce or eliminate the chloramines which are normally present as a result of chlorine combining with nitrogen-ammonia compounds.
- How does UV improve air quality?
At a molecular level, UV light destroys the formation of chloramines before they reach the air through evaporation.
- Will the use of chlorine or bromine be reduced when a UV system is installed?
Yes. UV light will eradicate all pathogens passing through the unit, thus making the smaller amount of chemical residuals much more effective. Therefore, savings between 50 and 85 per cent can be expected due to reduced chlorine/bromine consumption. Further, the addition of a UV system creates a pool water environment that is as close to ‘chemical-free’ as possible. Most importantly, UV technology helps avoid the need for other chemicals such as non-chlorine shock treatment, which makes pool water unsafe until after a designated time period.
- Is there any residual chemical effect from UV?
No. UV light is used to destroy bacteria and micro-organisms and is applied only to the pool water passing through the unit’s internal light chamber. No chemicals are added to the pool via the UV system.
- Can a UV system be installed on a pool equipped with a salt chlorine generator?
This is one of the most common questions pool professionals face. The short answer is yes. UV systems can be used on saltwater pools; however, the level of chlorine production by the electrolytic generator should be reduced to provide the minimum amount of chlorine residual.
Further, as UV is not corrosive, the ability to reduce salt and chlorine levels is beneficial for bathers as well as the pool’s equipment.
- What maintenance is required on a UV system?
The only maintenance required is an annual cleaning of the quartz tube inside the UV unit and replacement of the UV lamp when it reaches the end of its life. This procedure typically takes five to 10 minutes to complete and can be easily accomplished using a screwdriver and crescent wrench.
The problem is out in the middle of the pool. Not all the water passes the filtration circulation system. The solution to the problem has to take place in the water. Therefore it has to be a chemical solution. Water treatment is ‘water’ treatment.
@Dennis “it has to be a chemical solution” Not in 2016…
I can’t agree with what you say.. it can be a combination between chemical and physical treatment. If you have a Salt System (which is a Chlore generator) you will reduce your cost by adding a UV System and the water will be properly sanitize since you will have a small chemical residual to sanitize what the water that is not going through the UV.