Aquatic facility in Penticton faces plumbing woes

by jason_cramp | November 10, 2016 8:19 am

The Penticton Community Centre’s hot tub remains closed for maintenance; however, the main pools remains open.

One month after reopening the public pool at the Penticton Community Centre in British Columbia, the facility’s hot tub remains closed due to plumbing issues.

According to an InfoTel Multimedia report, the facility, which was reopened in September, was initially closed for six weeks to fix the hot tub drains and inspect the pool’s plumbing and main drains to determine whether additional work was required on the pool since it was last performed in 2015.

At the time, city recreation and culture manager Lori Mullen said the hot tub drains were completed and any work necessary on the pool’s main drains would be performed during the facility’s scheduled shutdown in 2017.

However, after refilling the hot tub, facility staff determined it was still leaking after noticing a change in the water level.

“City staff are conducting further testing and will be updating the situation as more information becomes available,” said city spokesperson Mark Parker in a press release.

Despite a scheduled reopening in October, it is now unknown when the hot tub will be operable again. The community centre’s main pools are not affected by the hot tub closure.

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