A pool heater installed outdoors shall be located a minimum of 450 mm (18 in.) from any property line.
A wall-mounted pool heater shall be securely attached.
An outdoor pool heater shall not be installed beneath any structure, including a deck.
A pool heater of the finned-tube type shall be installed outdoors or in an enclosure that is not normally occupied and does not directly communicate with occupied areas. Direct-vent pool heaters of the finned-tube type are exempt from this requirement.
When a finned-tube indoor gas-fired pool heater that had prior approval for indoor installation that communicates with an occupied area, is being replaced with a new finned-tube-type heater, the heater shall be of the direct-vent type.
Where a heater is installed in accordance with clause 7.25.7, it shall be the responsibility of the owner of the heater to provide maintenance for the heater in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, but in no case less than once annually.
An outdoor pool heater shall be installed so that the flue discharge is in accordance with clause 8.14.10.
The flue gas discharge opening for an outdoor pool heater shall terminate not less than 3 m (10 ft) from any building opening.