B.C. spa manufacturer shut down due to COVID-19 outbreak

by Dave Flaherty | November 3, 2020 7:31 pm

A COVID-19 outbreak at Coast Spas Manufacturing in Langley, B.C. (pictured) has forced the business to close temporarily.
A COVID-19 outbreak at Coast Spas Manufacturing in Langley, B.C. (pictured) has forced the business to close temporarily.

Fraser Health in British Columbia declared a COVID-19 outbreak at Coast Spas Manufacturing in Langley, B.C. after finding evidence of COVID-19 transmission among staff working at this location.

Fraser Health screened employees at the facility, and case and contact management is ongoing. As of October 23, 12 employees at the facility have tested positive.

Those identified as cases and close contacts have been instructed to self-isolate.

Fraser Health Public Health first became aware of COVID-19 cases at this location on October 13, and has issued a closure order to the facility.

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/b-c-spa-manufacturer-shut-down-due-to-covid-19-outbreak/