Canada to be represented at Pool & Spa Asia

by MODE, ignore | May 9, 2012 3:42 pm

Poolscape’s ‘green pool’ installation in Georgetown, Ont., incorporates several eco-friendly features in addition to energy-efficient equipment.

Barry Justus, owner of Poolscape Inc., and regular contributor to Pool & Spa Marketing, has been invited to present a seminar series at Pool & Spa Asia, the only show in South East Asia that brings together international and local manufacturers, suppliers, consultants, designers and distributors to the pool and spa industry.

The event, which takes place Sept. 21-23, 2011 at the Impact Exhibition & Convention Centre in Bangkok, Thailand, will feature a three-day pool and spa technology and innovation seminar program comprising 20 in-depth educational sessions.

Barry Justus, owner of Poolscape Inc., will be presenting two seminar tracks on pool and spa green technologies at Pool & Spa Asia, the industry trade show for South East Asia.

Justus, who has authored several green-focused articles, including “Canada’s ‘Greenest’ Pool[2]” in the October 2010 issue of Pool & Spa Marketing, will cover two seminar tracks on pool and spa green technologies.

The first track, Green Pool (Outside): Design & Construction for Energy Efficiency & Profit, will discuss buildings, site planning, water capture, solar and geothermal technologies and environmental impact, while the second track, Green Pool (Inside): Design & Construction for Energy Efficiency & Profit, looks at pool hydraulics, automated covers, automation, layout, lighting, waterproofing and green construction materials. Corporate sponsors for Justus’ seminar series include Jandy (Zodiac Pool Systems), OpenAire and Lafarge Canada.

“I am looking forward to promoting Canadian green pool design, construction and materials on an international stage at the largest pool show in Asia,” Justus told PSM Online. “It is important to give Canadian designers, contractors and suppliers a presence in this large emerging market.”

Pool & Spa Asia organizers compiled a number of world-renowned industry experts, representing countries such as Canada, the U.S., Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand to share their insights in leading-edge design, construction, maintenance and green technologies.


  1. [Image]:
  2. Canada’s ‘Greenest’ Pool:

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