Announcement signs are typically known as the ‘negative’ sign. A few examples include: ‘Do not touch,’ ‘Parents are responsible for their children,’ ‘No returns on chemicals,’ ‘$10 water test if nothing is purchased.’
Retailers typically vent their frustrations on the consumer by using these signs. Store owners/operators should keep in mind, however, these negative signs end up punishing 95 per cent of the people who follow the rules just to keep the five per cent in line. Rather, a ‘Store Policy’ sign, posted behind the counter, should be used to list legalese or stipulations of a purchase.
Do not clutter the store and displays with negativity. Instead, use announcement signs to set the consumer’s mood. For instance, phrases like ‘Now entering fun,’ ‘No shoes, no shirt, no problem,’ or ‘Free smiles, and water tests too’ are great examples. The swimming pool industry is a fun business; make the consumer feel that way.

These signs paint the picture of ownership. They show the consumer how they would feel if they owned the product or paid for a service.
Lifestyle images and signs throughout a retail environment once again sets the tone and mood for the consumer and, for a moment, takes them away from the problems and stresses of daily life by picturing ownership or a lifestyle.
Signs are key to retail success
Signs can play a vital role in the success of a retail store. Retailers should never assume the consumer knows or understands the products in their store. Therefore, every retailer is encouraged to go through their store using the ‘pedal’ strategy. Do not let the business simply coast on autopilot, ‘pedal’ it and see how it can help the business.
Ted Lawrence is a global retail specialist with Pool Corp., a wholesale distributor of swimming pool supplies, equipment, and related leisure products in Cleveland, Ohio. He has served the swimming pool industry for more than 20 years and is an authority on retail, sales, and management. Lawrence is also a regular seminar presenter at various national and international industry events, and participates on several professional retail boards and councils. He can be reached via e-mail at